July 29, 2012

So Heaven must be the home of clear thought...

From Fr. Dwight Longenecker, The Prophet and the Preacher:

...Also the prophet says, "Hell is a completely absurd concept."

The Preacher replies: Hell is indeed absurd because in Hell all logic and reason is absent for they are qualities of the light. All  evil is absurd for it is the repudiation of truth, and hell is the consolidation of evil. The horror of hell is that it is absurd. One of the terrors and torments will be that in that place there will be no reasoning and therefore no argument. The darkness will be complete...

"there will be no reasoning and therefore no argument." I guess I'd better be good, or I will spend eternity in San Francisco!

Annigoni Saint Anthony meets the tyrant Ezzelino da Romano
Annigoni, Saint Anthony meets the tyrant Ezzelino da Romano

Posted by John Weidner at July 29, 2012 5:07 PM
Weblog by John Weidner