January 23, 2009

I saved this quote more than 3 years ago...

And, surprise, surprise...it still fits...

Ramesh Ponnuru:

Patrick Hynes obviously doesn't understand the basic rules of political journalism. How many times do we have to explain it? Every election that goes badly for the Republicans is the fault of social conservatives. Every such election is the death knell of the social Right. The 1992 election marked the end of the Christian conservative moment in American politics. The 1998 election, too. And now the 2005 election. Once Hynes has gotten this down, we can work on the corollary: When Republicans win elections, the big story is the danger that social-conservative excess poses to them.

It's been pretty grim-yet-funny seeing the nattering nabobs of elite conservatism and "centrism" opining that we have to rebuild the Republican party by jettisoning all that old conservative stuff about morality and God that's keeping us from hanging with the cool kids... So embarrassing and old-fashioned.

They keep hoping, but the tiresome stuff just won't go away...

Posted by John Weidner at January 23, 2009 7:54 PM
Weblog by John Weidner