August 29, 2006

My son e-mailed....

I've found this:

It's from a few months back, and it's about a "Mock War Crimes Trial" for President George W. Bush.

Now, (this did come to me just now) why aren't there any mock war crimes trials for the leaders of Hezbollah in America's schools??? Isn't it a war crime to:

1) Wear Civilian Clothing while in combat?
2) Intentionally target Israeli Civilians?
3) Among many other things that they've done, and have already been mentioned around the net before.

You'd think the case for them would be a lot more open and shut....

Well, it's open-and-shut all right. It's also a war crime to use "human shields," and to place military positions in civilian areas including schools ad hospitals. And they are also in defiance of the holy United Nations...

So I'm sure our intellectuals and "peace-activists" will be firing up the ol' mock trials any day now....

Posted by John Weidner at August 29, 2006 5:12 PM
Weblog by John Weidner