October 15, 2004
The enemy is within...
Americans who vote the Bush-Cheney ticket are using their fear-driven "lizard brains," .... said Arianna Huffington, named by Newsweek and People magazines as one of Washington D.C.'s most influential commentators.
NOW I UNDERSTAND! My Lizard Brain is controlling me!...The reptilian part of the brain is an almond-sized area that generates fear, she said, quoting from her Wednesday column.
I can feel it inside my brain! Republican messages! Sounds kind of like Donald Rumsfeld would if he were the size of an almondIt clicks into survival mode of fight, flight or freeze with no time to think...
Thisss isss yoooor Rep Tile Brain spikeeenk. Yooo mus be verrry afraiiiid...I willl count to threee and snapp my fingerrrsss. You will awake. Yooo willl beee Re pub li kkkan..........She referred to the works of Dr. Daniel Siegel, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and author of an upcoming book on how the brain works...
A Harvard-trained psychiatrist! Wow! Sigmund Freud himself could hardly be a more scientific source.... Huffington noted Vice President Dick Cheney made one point three times in the vice presidential debate: "The biggest threat to Americans is the possibility of terrorists smuggling in a nuclear or biological weapon into a city and threatening hundreds of thousands of Americans.".
Horrid man, inventing imaginary threats that could never happen in a million years...... She said the Republicans have moved the question from "Which candidate would you rather have a beer with?" to "Which candidate would you rather give you your blankie and bottle and keep the bogeyman away?"
Condaleeza, Condaleeza, security blanket of my dreams......The fear factor is the only explanation for why Bush doesn't have only about 5 percent in the polls, she said.
No other explanation could possibly be possible...She called that 5 percent a "voting bloc made up of those hard-core fanatics who are as utterly blind to reality as he is."
I was blind, blind, blind, but NOW I SEE. 9/11 was faked! Just like the Moon landings.... Ironically, she said Bush says his foreign policy, including the war in Iraq, are making Americans safer, but in reality it has made the world more dangerous than ever for Americans.
Don't say that! My Lizard Brain started beeping again......"We are governed by a group of out-and-out fanatics" ... One example was Bush's denial about jobs lost under his administration, she said. "They just ignore facts; there is a disconnect with reality."
The lines at the soup kitchens stretch for blocks. Ragged children beg for crusts of bread. Hobos warm their fingers over a can of Sterno. Heartbreaking misery is all around, yet somehow my Reptilian Brain is forcing me to start SINGING. dum de dum de dumdede dum...Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again! Sing it with me...
Posted by John Weidner at October 15, 2004 5:14 PM