October 04, 2004

We're back!

SpaceShipOne winning the X-PRIZE! It was Awesome! Much more thrilling than I had expected...

SpaceShipOne being put on its cart
Here's the spacecraft after the flight, being put on its cart...it's so light a couple of guys push down the tail, and the cart is rolled under it. The chap with the beard and the khaki pants, by the nose, is my brother in law, Bud McClure. He was photographing some tape (which has different colors that burn off at different temperatures) on the pink thermal protection system, which he designed (along with the environment control system, plus many other odd jobs like engine simulators and trajectory code.)

His mind is already on SpaceShipTwo, being built for Bransen's "Virgin Galactic"...

(More soon)

Posted by John Weidner at October 4, 2004 04:36 PM | TrackBack
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