July 17, 2004

A true hero of Freedom...

The previous post reminds me of a story from the fall of Vietnam. (I wouldn't fuss over ordinary-American stuff like this were it not that the good people of the Bush Administration are being slimed non-stop as fascist neocon crony-capitalists.) Richard Armitage, now Assistant Secretary of State, was among the last Americans in Vietnam.

He personally organized a convoy of 32 mostly unseaworthy ships, and brought 20,000 refugees to the Philippines. Neither the US nor the Philippine governments wanted this to happen, he just did it. The refugees were South Vietnamese military officers and their families. If Armitage had not saved them, they would have been sent to concentration camps (Probably named after Heroes of the Revolution: Camp Kerry, Camp Fonda...)

Posted by John Weidner at July 17, 2004 9:19 AM
Weblog by John Weidner