July 7, 2004

"It was the response of a sane man..."

PowerLine has a different take on Edwards:

...Yet I still believe that Edwards was a better than average choice among the Democratic contenders in this regard [foreign policy]. Why? Because the Democratic party is so diseased that experience with foreign policy and national security issues is generally a dangerous thing (think Joe Biden). For Democrats, sophistication in these areas usually manifests itself in doubts about the U.S. as a force for good in the world and distrust of the exercise of U.S. power (think John Kerry). Hence, the preference for foreign interventions that seem to have little to do with American interests and, if our interests are at stake, the imperative of approval by international organizations....

...I get the impression that Edwards, precisely because he hadn't paid much attention to these matters until quite recently, missed this indoctrination....

...One of the few revealing moments of the Democratic primary season, I thought, was the debate in which John Kerry said that the danger of terrorism had been exaggerated by the Bush administration. The moderator asked John Edwards what he thought of Kerry's claim, and Edwards, a little nonplussed, answered to the effect that, "I don't see how you can say the threat of terrorism is exaggerated after Sept. 11." It was the response of a sane man, which put him, momentarily at least, at odds with Kerry...

At odds with a lot of people. It's no accident that Democrats shrieked with outrage when Bush put two seconds of the WTC in an ad. They are desperate to deny reality. Me, I'd rub their faces in it. But Karl's a deep old file, and maybe he's saving that for October....

Posted by John Weidner at July 7, 2004 12:57 PM
Weblog by John Weidner